Movement of thought and creation on Colombia and Latin America that creates spaces for inclusion through art expression, culture, and processes of symbolization, in a quest for political power and meanings of the word, criticism, the recognition of difference and practice of consensus, rather than politics as a homogenizer, polarizing and alienating exercise.

"Moving nuances to
culture's depolarization"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The First YouTube Interactive VIDEO PARTY!!!!

Por favor ayudanos a difundir ampliamente entre tus contactos. Gracias!!

Matiz~Nuance MultiArts Movement and e-Fagia Visual and Media Arts Organization invite you to:

The First Screen shot 2010-08-13 at 9.50.00 PM.pngInteractive VIDEO PARTY!!

With DJ Noloves.

Friday August 20th, 9 PM

@ NACO’s Gallery Cafe (1665 Dundas St. West) between Lansdowne & Dufferin.

Here is how to participate:

1. Submit a link to your favorite MUSIC videos on YouTube, Vimeo or any internet site (vintage, funny, nostalgic, you choose) to

2. Show up at NACO’s and sing and dance to the screening! People will be encouraged to comment on their selections.

DJ NOLOVES will spark the party after the screening with an eclectic mixture of dancing music.

Deadline for the submission of videos: August 18th.

Donation at the door, which will include a ticket to participate in mystery raffle.

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